1020 W State St
Baden, PA 15005
Ethical Responsibilities to Colleagues and Implications for Client and Patient Well-Being
Most often in ethics workshops, we focus on ethical obligations to clients. There are other aspects of our ethical obligations as members of service professions. These broader obligations include ethical responsibilities to colleagues.
Sister Mary Louise Wessell, CSJ, MN, PhD, will explore these responsibilities as expressed in various codes of ethics. Using a systematic method of case analysis, we will discuss cases centered on responsibilities to colleagues. Positive resolution of the issues presented by these cases is important for patient and client well-being.
Date: Friday, October 12, 2018 | 9:30 AM-4:30 PM
CEUs: This program offers 6.0 Continuing Education Credits for Social Workers, LPCs, Nurses, LMFTs and Psychologists.
Cost: $100 includes lunch/refreshments (additional fees for CEUs) Register online or print a registration form.
Program Description
A quote from the 2014 Code of Ethics of the American Counseling Association illustrates a central theme of this workshop and a guideline applicable for all health professionals:
“Professional counselors recognize that the quality of their interactions with colleagues can influence the quality of services provided to clients. They work to become knowledgeable about colleagues within and outside the field of counseling. Counselors develop positive working relationships and systems of communication with colleagues to enhance services to clients.”
This workshop is an opportunity for mental health professionals, pastoral care staff, and a variety of other health care professionals to explore obligations to colleagues and how these obligations apply in a variety of clinical settings.
In addition to the code of ethics for professional counselors quoted above, many other codes of ethics also address obligations to colleagues, including the codes for social workers, psychologists, radiation technologists, and fundraising professional among others.
The National Association of Social Workers’ Code of Ethics, for example, has 23 statements regarding obligations to colleagues. Most are positive, that is, “social workers should.” A few are negative, indicating that social workers “should not” or social workers “should avoid.” We will review such specific statements of obligation in this and other codes.
Participants are encouraged to bring examples of obligations to colleagues from their work settings to the workshop discussion of how code guidelines regarding ethical obligations to colleagues play out in actual clinical settings.
Program Objectives
Participants who complete this program should be able to:
- To demonstrate how the quality of the interactions with colleagues can influence services to clients or patients
- To identify considered moral judgments related to interactions with colleagues
- To identify a philosophy of the helping professions and the ethical theories and principles that serve as guidelines for ethical behavior
- To explore ethical obligations to colleagues as articulated in a number of professional codes of ethics, including social work, psychology, radiation technology
- To apply a systematic approach to the ethical analysis of clinical cases involving obligations to colleagues
- To gain skill in the use of a systematic approach to case analysis
- To identify points of importance from the workshop for individual practice settings
Program Schedule
9:00 a.m. Welcome and Introductions
9:30 a.m. Moral Agency and Considered Moral Judgements Regarding Obligations to Colleagues
10:00 a.m. Philosophy of the Helping Professions and the Ethical Theories-and Principles that Serve as Guidelines for Ethical Behavior
11:00 a.m. Exploration of the Ethical Obligations to Colleagues as Articulated in Professional Codes of Ethics
12:15 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. Demonstration of a Systematic Method for Case Analysis in This Workshop and in Clinical Settings
2:00 p.m. Large Group and Small Group Analysis of Ethical Issues in Cases Involving Obligations to Colleagues
3:15 p.m. Points from Workshop that Apply to Individual Clinical Settings and How They Apply
4:00 p.m. Conclusion and future steps
4:30 p.m. Adjournment