1020 State Street Baden PA 15005
In light of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic and in accordance with Centers for Disease Control guidelines, Taizé prayer and all other public events and programs at the Motherhouse are suspended through June 1.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in helping to keep our sisters, staff, and community safe and healthy. Read more here.
Taizé Prayer includes chants, reflection, silence, petitions, and the lighting of candles. This form of prayer touches the mind, eases the body, and opens one’s spirit to the presence of God. This prayer will be held in the Motherhouse Chapel.
Dates: Wednesdays, September 4, October 2, November 6, March 4, April 1, May 6
Time: 6:00-7:00 PM
Prayer Leader: Sister Roseann Gaul, CSJ
RSVP is not necessary. If you have questions, please call Sister Roseann at 724-888-6809.