1020 State Street Baden PA 15005
All work days are from 10AM to 3PM. Tasks may include but are not limited to: weeding, mulching, painting, pruning, and helping to maintain areas like the community gardens and labyrinth. We appreciate your contribution whether it’s for an hour or for the entire day.
Please RSVP by emailing Toni Dunlap at tdunlap@stjoseph-baden.org (one week in advance, if possible) and let us know if you will be staying for lunch which is provided. Weather-related cancellations will be sent via email.
2022 Dates
March 19
April 9
May 14
June 25
July 9
August 6
October 8
November 5
Protecting and Preserving Creation
Your volunteer efforts support our commitment to the Laudato Si Action Platform and our reverence for Earth. Read our Laudato Si Commitment Statement.
Volunteer work day activities also help continue our community garden, chicken and apiary operations, which supply produce, eggs, and honey to food banks to help reduce food insecurity, locally, among our neighbors.