Did you know that July 24th is Parents’ Day?
Established in 1994 as a way to recognize and celebrate the love, guidance and contributions of all parents, this special day falls on the fourth Sunday in July each year. To celebrate, we asked Sisters to share a little bit about how their parents’ kindness, faithfulness, and support has shaped their lives.
Listen as Sisters Frances Rooney, Patti Young, Dolores Partsch, Mary Frances Grasinger, Sarah Crotty, Rosanne Oberleitner, and Carolyn Wiethorn offer personal messages of gratitude to their parents and reflect on the lessons they shared:

If you would like to join our Sisters in remembering your parents on this special day, we invite you to consider these reflection questions:
- What was one thing your parents did that showed their love for you (and your siblings)?
- What lessons from your parents, taught by either word or example, do you carry with you to this day?
- If you could tell your parents “thank you for. . .” what would you say?